"Motivational Keynote" The Day We Will Remember "PERSONAL STORY"

  • Session Number:V303
Thursday, March 04, 2021: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM


Bridget Ballek
Marketplace Manager
National Safety Council
Ricky Rollins
Ricky Rollins Safety Speeches


Ricky will tell about the workplace accident that almost took his life 24 years ago and how it could have affected his family if he had died that day. He will also tell 4 more stories from the perspective of friend, father, husband, brother, coworker, supervisor and department manager of the things that have affected his circle. Some good things and some not so good. But in each story is a message with a lesson in it for each of us. Each story will have a twist in it that will keep the audience engaged and help them remember the lessons to take back to work and home with them. We make many decisions every day of our lives and all it takes is one bad decision to unfortunately have “The Day We Will Remember”. Ricky’s presentation will have you thinking deeply about those decisions and how they could affect your circle of coworkers, friends and family.

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